Contact Us Today
Association of Owners of
Mill Neck Estates
PO Box 493
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
About Us
President: Ed Basmajian
Vice President: John Lander, Esq,
Secretary: Rob Hofmann
Treasurer: Ed Basmajian
Beach Commissioner: Peter Moran, Esq.
Environmental Affairs Commissioner: Elyse Moscot
Road Commissioner: Hilary Kuster

Homeowners are responsible for maintaining the unpaved area between the road and their property line.
Please observe the 20 MPH speed limit and keep our children, pets and walkers safe.
The Association provides excellent snow and ice removal during the winter. Each homeowner shares in the annual cost of snow removal. Please do not throw snow from your driveway into the street.
Parking on any road within the Incorporated Village of Mill Neck is prohibited and strictly enforced bye the Brookville Police Department
During the summer, maintain your trees, plants and shrubs. Cut small tree saplings and prune all plantings at least one foot from the side of the road. Tree canopies hanging over the road should be at least 10 feet above the road surface to prevent scratching vehicles.
Decorative rocks should be far enough from the surface to prevent damage to vehicles
During the fall, do not rake or blow leaves onto the road, as wet leaves create a slipping hazard.

The Association owns and maintains Mill Neck Creek beachfront
The best time to swim is two hours on either side of high tide. A tide schedule is available at Oyster Bay Town Hall, your local newspaper or the Internet.
As a homeowner in Mill Neck Estates, if you have a boat, you may apply for a mooring permit at Oyster Bay Town Hall. Please be considerate to your neighbors when placing your mooring in Mill Neck Creek.
Our beach is under the jurisdiction of the Nassau County Department of Health. Please obey any periodic postings relating to swimming and water pollution. These postings are directed by the Board of Health after heavy rainfalls.
Keep our beachfront clean by taking all garbage and refuse with you. There are no receptacles on the beach.
There is no parking on the beach or the road to the beach. No vehicles are permitted on the beach at any time.
The Association maintains its own roads. Contact Gabriela Fleschner-Bell, Project Manager, to discuss all road-related issues. Homeowners are responsible for seeking permission from the Association and the Village before cutting into or modifying the roads in any way.